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Our bodies work more to manage how we feel in high summer heat. And maintaining a stable and consistent body temperature takes a lot of energy, especially on hot days. Even while resting, look at how much you sweat - all that is your body using energy sources. All of this energy use makes us lethargic and sluggish.

Staying hydrated and choosing the right food can have significant positive changes on you. The right food that keeps you cool and is anything filled with antioxidants and proteins. And that’s where SUPERFOODS comes into play!

What are superfoods exactly?

Superfoods are not an invention, they are the same food items we’ve been eating all this time just better recognised. Simple things like green vegetables, nuts, spices, herbs, eaten in their most natural form (as opposed to processed foods) can make everything better. They are not expensive but worth every penny and a must for every diet or health goal.

Why you should incorporate more superfoods in your diet?

The short answer - Superfoods help you prevent diseases, get better skin, hair, gut health, and regulate energy. The complete answer - The general logic behind this concept is to eat mindfully. Source natural organic fruits and vegetables, reduce processed food and observe what food your body responds better to.

Let’s break down the nutrients in the superfoods and the benefit you get from them:


  1. Antioxidants: yes, we said it thrice because that’s how packed superfoods are with antioxidants. This is what helps keep your health in check really, strengthens your immune system, prevents heart & cardiovascular diseases, removes toxins from your body and even prevents cancer. Broccoli, spinach, carrots, walnuts, peanuts, and potatoes are high in antioxidants
  2. Fibre-rich: superfoods are full of fibre, they can help you prevent digestive problems both in the long and short term. Fibre-rich foods like pulses, beans, broccoli also help you prevent diabetes while others help you maintain insulin levels.
  3. High in protein: Superfoods are a great source of protein like Eggs, salmon, milk, nuts, yoghurt, beans, and lentils. They are a meal in themselves, easy to cook, prep and eat at any time. They are also specifically great sources of energy.

  1. Makes your skin glow: the result of a good diet always reflects in your appearance. A balanced diet will lead to better hair and less acne. Superfoods have alkalizing abilities that reduce redness, puffiness and can even slow down ageing.
  2. Makes you energetic: naturally, removing all the toxins and keeping you healthy will boost your energy levels. In fact, incorporating more superfoods in your diet will help you eat fuller, more calorie-dense meals, ones high in protein that will not leave you craving for sugary starchy snacks.

Considering the kind of polluted and demanding world we live in, our bodies need extra support. We owe it to ourselves to eat better, exercise more, feel better and eventually be better and healthier.

10 superfoods to keep you energetic

As said, superfood are just normal food in your pantry which when you use it right, has the superpower to make you healthier. Here are top 10 superfoods you can start your super healthy lifestyle with -

  1. Berries - Berries are naturally delicious and high in fibre, and their vibrant colours indicate that they are high in antioxidants and disease-fighting minerals. You can add it to your cereals, smoothies, eat it for a quick snack or just eat Afters Very Berry for dessert.

  1. Nuts - Peanuts, Almonds, Hazelnuts, Walnuts are a great source of plant protein and monosaturated fats. You can eat them as it is or try different nut butters as they are deliciously versatile. Use them in shakes, ice cream toppings, toast, cookies, cakes, and everything else that seems indulgent to make it healthy. But make sure you use the natural ones.

  1. Leafy greens - Dark, leafy greens are high in vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and a variety of phytochemicals (chemicals made by plants that have a positive effect on your health). They also provide dietary fibre. You can simply add spinach, kale, mustard greens to your salads, soups and stews.

  2. Fish - Fish is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which help in preventing heart diseases. Salmon, tuna steaks, mackerel, herring, trout, anchovies, and sardines are the fish with the highest omega-3 content. 

  1. Yogurt - Yogurt is a good source of calcium and protein and also contain probiotics. You can simply try eating more yogurt with fruits and can also make dips using it.

  2. Olive Oil - Olive oil is high in vitamin E, polyphenols, and monounsaturated fatty acids, all of which aid to lower heart disease risk. You can use it in place of butter or as a dressing.

  3. Whole grains - Whole grains are high in soluble and insoluble fibre, as well as many B vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. They've been demonstrated to help decrease cholesterol levels. Daliya is one of the most sorted, protein heavy, filling and versatile grains out there. It has the potential to be eaten both sweet or savoury. Also, you can try having oatmeals for breakfast.

  4. Legumes - Kidney beans, soybeans, peas are an excellent source of fibre and plant-based protein. You can easily make homestyle food with these. They may look boring but cook them right and you have a champion meal in your hand.

  5. Cruciferous vegetables - Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radishes, and turnips are an excellent source of fibre, vitamins, and phytochemicals. You can steam or stir-fry and add these to soups, noodles and pasta.

  6. Tomatoes - They are high in Vitamin C and super versatile. You can simply add them to your salads, dips or as a tomato sauce over your pasta.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should you eat when you feel sluggish?

When you’re feeling low in energy it’s best to eat some nuts or fruits. Since you’re already not feeling up to your maximum potential, make easy snacks for yourself.

Peanut butter on toast, almond butter with apples or bananas, protein shakes, or even plain fruit of your choice can help you feel better. They fill you up and the antioxidants clean your body off toxins.

What food gives you long-lasting energy?

Eating complex carbs and proteins often helps you gain a healthy spike in energy. Try eating some chicken, legumes, or peanut butter-banana shakes when you feel particularly sluggish.

The protein in these foods breaks down slowly giving you energy for a long time. Unlike coffee or sugary drinks that give you an instant spike and then crash!

What Vitamins do you lack if you are tired all the time?

Lacking energy all the time can be a sign of vitamin D, vitamin B-12, and magnesium deficiency. Superfoods you should be eating to improve these levels are peanut and almond butter, salmon, low-fat dairy products, eggs and mushrooms.

What are the signs that tell if you’re feeling sluggish?

Observing your habit is the first step to improving yourself. Some signs to look out for are - 

  1. Feeling moody or irritable
  2. Being absent-minded and losing train of thought
  3. Feeling tired even when you do ‘nothing’

These are the most common symptoms and the one way to treat them is to make small changes like taking a brisk walk, journaling and of course eating right.

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